Some of the Wonderful benefits of Natural Dyes.
Most Natual dyes are made from medicinal plants.
They intrinsically show high levels of anti-microbial activity.
Garments made from natural dyes cause very less or no skin irritation.
They prevent body odour since they prevent the growth of unwanted bacteria.
Garments also provide a relaxed and comfortable feel which helps in better sleep.

Natural dyes are made from naturally occurring natural materials.
Natural dyes are non-toxic and non-hazardous.
They leave no residue in the environment during the full life cycle of the product.
This means there is no impact during the dyeing process, during the usage and at the end of life of the product.
No pollution to any water bodies due to the compostable nature of natural dyes.

Natural dyes have many economic benefits, some of which we have mentioned below.
Firstly many farmers can have an additional source of income by growing natural dye plants.
Many tribal societies can benefit from some of the natural dyes that are harvested from forests as minor forest produce.
Ability to create a new source of income for everyone involved without the destruction of natural resources.